. Regurgitated Alpha Bits: An Award?!? For ME?!?!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

An Award?!? For ME?!?!

Why thank you, thank you Mr. Teacher for bestowing upon me this prestigious award.

I would like to thank a few others while I have the podium.

First, thank you to my mother, a teacher herself, who told me early on in my pursuit of a teaching credential,

"I know you can do this. I still think you should be a speech therapist though. They always manage to leave at the same time as the kids."

But did I listen? Sadly, no. Let me say now, I hear ya loud and clear now, Ma!

Next, I must recognize my dear friend and fellow teacher Caroline. Her words 13 years ago still ring true in my ears.

"Before you know it, you're gonna ditch those cute, fashionable shoes for a pair of clunky flats with big, squishy soles. Comfort trumps style any day in a classroom."

By gumballs, she was right! My shoes could double as flotation devices now.

And finally, a great big group thank you to all the oddball students, incorrigible parents, asinine directives from my district, and George W. Bush's No Child Left Behind for making this blog possible.

I would have never done it without you.

As part of the rules of this award, I must recognize seven other blogs I feel are "Brillante!" I am honored to pass this honor on to the following honorees:

Raw Drip - Because I'm really into porn.

Wamblings - Because she's insightful and witty and deserving of much more.

It's Not All Flowers and Sausages - Because Mimi IS a rock star of a teacher.

Out of the Basement - Because her life is far more interesting than mine because she is far more introspective than I am.

Ramblin' Educat - Because this blog makes me giggle.

Fractions Speak Louder than Nerds - Because I am impressed with Ms. Longhorn's mathematical knowledge.

Ha Ha - You're Reading This - Because she's "a school marm with charm."

Oh my gosh! I almost forgot!

A great big thank you to my readers! If it weren't for you, well, let's face it. I'd still write this blog.

But it sure would be a lonely place in cyberspace without you.


Mimi said...

Oh! Thank you so much! And I loved your speech!!! Have a great year this year....we'll get through it together!


Melissa B. said...

Congrats--I've always considered you one of my Brillante Bloggy Friends! :)

Melissa B. said...

BTW, drop by tomorrow for another crazy edition of Silly Sunday Sweepstakes. Come Share the Comment Love!